Saturday, January 4, 2014

working with your partner

in 1985, my parents went bankrupt and had to close down their motorcycle shop. they swore they would never run a business together again.

so, imagine my surprise, disappointment, and non-support, when i was in high school and they announced that they were going to buy a small swiss-german deli and run the business together - my dad cooking and my mom running the finances. i thought it was a horrible idea. i was sure they'd get divorced.

they fought. and fought some more. but in the end - they succeeded. they created a quirky little restaurant famed on mercer island for the best soups, salads, and pretzel rolls in town (thanks to my dad). and the best, friendliest service (thanks to my mom). AND they are still married.

so, get this. cole is spending the next month "working" on MY unit. he will have a one month student rotation on the bone marrow transplant service. and although i tend to think working with your partner is not the best idea, i'm totally excited about our future together as cancer providers!

i'm excited for some silly things. first, we might actually get to carpool in the mornings. it'll be nice to have someone awake with me at the butt crack of dawn. AND, i'm excited to see cole all dressed up all day long. it'll be nice to share a lunch here and there if time allows. and of course, there will be coffee breaks and tootsie roll runs (again if time permits).

but i think what is best about this opportunity is that it will allow cole to see what my job entails. i know cole thinks i am a good nurse. he has said this before. but i want him to know WHO i am nursing. i want him to meet my patients, to hear their stories, and to witness their strength, courage, and sometimes anguish and heartbreak. it's not that i want him to be sad along side me (as i often am), but i want him to know me better by knowing my work better.

cole is truly a brilliant student. he has a passion for learning and succeeding that is unrivaled by most. i know he will do well as a physician's assistant. and i would be honored to stand beside him as a nurse to his patients.

p.s. happy new year! may 2014 be great!

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