Wednesday, April 6, 2011

so very special

yesterday, in the middle of the day, as i was pacing around the nursing station, i saw two folks out of the corner of my eye. at first glace, i recognized them, but couldn't register who they belonged to. i meet SO many family members, so many caregivers, and tons of visitors. certainly, i can't keep them all straight. i'm lucky if i keep my patients straight! just kidding - sort of!

anyway, the two folks happened to be the parents of my friend and patient, jamie, who died two weeks ago. she and her family were from portland, so i couldn't fathom why they would be up here, in seattle and back on my unit. when i asked, i wished i hadn't. they drove from portland all the way to seattle to pick up their 29 year old daughter's ashes. what a horrible trip! what a horrible task.

with brave, tear stained faces all-around, we hugged. and exchanged thank you's. "thank you for being a wonderful nurse to jamie! you were one of her favorites." and my response - "thank you for allowing me to be a part of a very special time in your lives. i will never forget jamie. she is one of those patients, one of those people... so very special."

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