Thursday, January 6, 2011

it's been one year...

since i started this blog. and so far, i've enjoyed writing here. my attitude towards nursing, my particular unit, and the specialty of oncology has dramatically improved. and overall, i think i'm in a better place than 365 days ago.

i don't think i can credit the blog with this shift. it helps that my outside-of-work-life has been good. i've traveled to indonesia to "study" yoga. i trained to climb mount rainier (and although i did not summit, i did some amazing hikes and proved to myself how strong i am). i trekked in the nepali himalayas and climbed to 16,400 feet. and i met a very kind man who treats me with respect and kindness. i'd say i couldn't be much luckier.

this blog has served as an outlet for me. i like to write. there is something very cathartic about it. hammering out some words and feelings on a keyboard during or after a 12.5 hours shift helps me to let go of some of the overwhelming thoughts, worries, and emotions that nursing creates in me.

here's to another year full of nursing stories - funny, sad, and even strange ones!

1 comment:

  1. 2011 is going to be twice as good as 2010! Here's to enjoying life! Why not?!
