Thursday, November 6, 2014

the gal who was afraid of saline

pardon my blogging hiatus...

i stepped away from nursing for a while! and i try (sort of) to keep this blog about my job.

as mentioned in my last post, i went to morocco in september. and then, just a week ago, i returned from thailand, bhutan, and cambodia - a most wonderful vacation and 31 days away from oncology nursing.

but i'm back. in full swing. that's how it always feels after vacation - like i never left. people are still sick. in fact, some of the same people who were in the hospital a month ago are still in the hospital now. some have discharged. and a few have died. sadly, one of my very favorite patients - nelson. on a side note, i did get to raise a prayer flag in his honor while trekking. and coincidentally, i learned when i was back to civilization, nelson died the day i honored him. i had no idea. his flag is blowing in the winds, close to the heavens, continually sending prayers.

now, on to some positive news, for once (i feel like negatively nelly, i'm always so pessimistic). i was charting at the computers yesterday when at the front desk, out of the corner of my eye, i saw a beautiful young woman that i recognized - but not quite. you see, this woman was healthy. she had a head full of curly hair. and she wore make-up. she looked only a bit like the patient i cared for long ago - the gal who was afraid of saline. anyway, i screamed, "what are you doing here?" and she screamed back, "i came to visit you CHRISTA!" she remembered my name. she came to visit ME. she didn't remember any other nurses - just me and the physical therapist (a young man who made her get out of bed every day even though she barely could, even though she didn't want to. and sometimes, they shook their booties in the hall, because that's how spicy she was and continues to be).

i cant' tell you how elated i felt seeing my patient pal, the one who offered to take me out on the town a year and a half ago. she wanted to buy me a beer on capitol hill - even though i don't drink. she said she'd show me a good time. she asked about my life. if i was still dating "that PA guy." and i asked how she was doing. if she was in remission (YES she is, yay). if she was still on immunosuppressants and steroids (yes she is, BUMMER). here's the good part, she's "healthy," for a three time transplant survivor. and best of all, she's HAPPY!

and i helped get her there. don't get to see that everyday.

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