Monday, September 8, 2014

"mini" vacation coming up!

i've taken a break from blog posts lately, mainly because it's been a crazy month, jam-packed with exciting and not-so-exciting things. just a quick run down...

- my umpteenth year of camp parkview nursing
- cole's completion of his year of rotations and his second and final year of PA school
- his return HOME to our lovely place in northgate (he's been living in random locales, wherever his clinicals have been)
- cole's graduation and a medical themed bbq celebration
- a day of bumbershoot
- too many work shifts and the rollout of barcode scanning all of our medications
- meeting two new babies in my friends' lives (tiny maggie and baby bennett)
- planning the adventure of a lifetime with cole in october
- doctors appointments (dentists, gynecologists, dad's cardiologist, etc, etc)

but here's the best news of all. i have ONE shift left before a mini-vacation. i say "mini" only because it is shorter than my vacation planned in october. but by no sense is it MINI. it's BIG. HUGE. and oh so exciting. after one 12 hour shift tomorrow, i leave wednesday for morocco! AFRICA! yippee. i feel like the luckiest girl alive. i get to meet one of my very best friends, cassie, and adventure in marrakech, morocco. it's kind of like a dream come true. cassie and i traveled together after we graduated from nursing school. we went to thailand, india, and nepal. it was how we became such great friends. and ever since then, EIGHT years ago, we've dreamed and planned and dreamed some more about creating new traveling memories. buying more random souvenirs. and eating questionable food that will either go down as the best meal we've ever had or the tastiest meal that made us the most sick in our lives!!!

may twelve hours tomorrow pass ever so quickly... so i can get to morocco ASAP.

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