Wednesday, March 21, 2012

dear heart

my heart hurts today. and it's too tired to comment. but just know, sometimes i wish i didn't care. that would be easier.


  1. my heart is right there with yours, christa. i don't think it's us that have the problem; i think it's those who make us that we feel as if we have the problem for caring "too much" about important situations, such as being lied to or mentally/emotionally degraded. i would rather cry all weekend then let him know that he affected me so much. karma is a bitch, and i'm a firm believer.

  2. I feel for you, but while it would be easier, I'm glad you do care. It makes you who you are. I recently had my heart severely hurt by someone who said that they were a friend. It still hurts, and while I wish I could make it stop, I I'm not sure I'd be happier if I didn't care.
