Thursday, December 22, 2011

what are you thankful for?

*** i started this on thanksgiving and just now finished it. a month later, i'm still thankful for all these things. ***

because of nursing, i face some of life's ugly realities on a daily basis. and thanks to nursing, i sometimes have ah-ha moments when i stop, smell the roses, and remember to be thankful for the simple things in life. recently, i've seen some top 100 lists of people, places, things, and feelings for which people are thankful. and it has inspired me to do the same. here is my top 100 in no particular order.

1. family.
2. living in seattle - one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
3. traveling to reykjavik, paris, amsterdam, and prague in 2011.
4. tall 3 pump sugar-free vanilla non-fat extra-hot lattes (ridiculous, i know).
5. my laptop.
6. pho on a cold, wet, windy day.
7. short runs to clear my head.
8. dvr.
9. chemotherapy.
10. ativan (my patients' favorite drug).
11. clean water and hot showers.
12. living near molly moon's, bluebird, and cupcake royale.
13. walks around greenlake with friends.
14. my aunt joanie.
15. corduroy pants - my new wardrobe staple.
16. christmas! and having it off of work this year.
17. crisp new sheets on the bed.
18. pajama pants and fleece socks.
19. danskos (all five pairs).
20. the smell of banana bread.
21. the summit of rainier.
22. the colors of fall leaves.
23. my niece and nephew - emerson and cohen.
24. painted toenails.
25. my microwave.
26. having a zaw pizza in my building.
27. pinterest - keeps me entertained many a evening.
28. santa pictures on christmas eve.
29. 3 for 30 month.
30. bright colored tank tops.
31. friends that show up when you need them.
32. flip-flops.
33. my new camera.
34. diverging viewpoints that make me question my own thinking.
35. my dad's team of doctors.
36. memories of my granny.
37. family traditions.
38. nursing.
39. hot soup with pretzel rolls from alpenland.
40. adventure.
41. york peppermint patties.
42. my education.
43. my glasses.
44. a good night's sleep.
45. my planner.
46. mechanical pencils.
47. overtime shifts.
48. argyle socks.
49. croissants in paris.
50. scarves to bundle up in the cold.
51. curly bacon.
52. our gingerbread house tradition and ginormous bowls of candy.
53. mid-day naps.
54. morning star sausage patties - quickest breakfast ever.
55. bright colors.
56. having the privilege to get to know family members of my patients.
57. my lucky 13 necklace, given to my grandma from my grandpa the day after they met.
58. hot yoga.
59. camp parkview on vashon island.
60. honeycrisp apples.
61. good hiking boots.
62. having a friend who is good at fixing computers and teaches me new tricks on my laptop.
63. rei.
64. having amazing colleagues at work that have turned into friends.
65. felt christmas ornaments.
66. coupons (i'm a bargain shopper).
67. newborn babies, their smell, and the smiles they cause on everyone's faces and in everyone's hearts.
68. goretex.
69. having the insight to recognize my privilege.
70. flushing toilets and toilet paper (not always available when hiking and traveling).
71. homemade trailmix.
72. the smell of rain.
73. chaotic family dinners.
74. therapy.
75. the twinkle of christmas lights.
76. fresh sticky and drippy washington peaches by the crate-full.
77. stolen hospital scrubs.
78. massages.
79. listening to music while working out and feeling totally free.
80. baking dozens of christmas cookies.
81. tears - a good cry is very cathartic.
82. my ancient car that relatively reliably gets me where i need to go.
83. finding a good deal.
84. that my dad buys me a christmas tree every year.
85. the sound of laughter in our break room at work.
86. the magic of snow.
87. health insurance.
88. writing in a journal while away on vacation.
89. having crazy parents only miles away.
90. blog reading/stalking.
91. freedom.
92. seeing the sun rise over the cascades and set behind the olympics.
93. make believe people - ie. the toothfairy, the easter bunny, and santa.
94. peace and quiet.
95. INDIA.
96. farmers' markets with fresh produce and delicious treats.
97. my passport.
98. holiday cheer.
99. peanut butter.
100. my health!

as part of our thanksgiving day preparations, i asked my dear aunt joanie (who is developmentally disabled) what she is thankful for. her top three were: 1. christa (ME), 2. santa, and 3. jesus. when i asked my two year old niece for what she is thankful, she said "i'm thankful for the mall." here's to hoping that when she is my age, she recognizes some of life's more beautiful things and remembers to be thankful!

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