drum roll please.....
after a very long and round-about journey, i summited mount rainier this last weekend. on july 2nd, at about 10:15AM, i stood on top of a mountain that i have looked at my entire life.
i am not sure when this goal came about. i've always loved staring at mount rainier as i cross i-90. one of my favorite things about traveling to far away destinations is coming home to seattle to be welcomed by the green surroundings, lake washington, the puget sound, and the many mountains that make up my state. but rainier, really? why did i have to choose to summit the tallest mountain in washington? is it because i am crazy? determined? or truly passionate about climbing mountains?
in the last several years, i have become more adventurous, outdoorsy even. i have dated a few boys that challenged me to do new things. three summers ago, i camped for the very first time. i sort of liked it. i think that summer i spent 3 nights in a tent – they were the only 3 nights i’ve spent outdoors ever, in my whole life, until this summer. a few months after that boy, i held my first ice ax with a different boy. we tried to look cool, but neither of us really knew what we were doing or how to use an ice ax safely. i did however stand on some cool peaks (mailbox, granite, mount barring, and naveho de toluca in mexico) - which, i guess you could say, "piqued" (get it?!?) my interest in hiking. dare i say climbing!
but this rainier thing came about two years ago. after some serious soul-searching, i made a bucket list. it included some random life goals (learn to ride a bicycle, shave my head, and run a half marathon). but i also created a plan for the year 2010 – the year i would turn 30. i jokingly dubbed the year "the year of christa” and it turned into just that – a year to celebrate myself! i spent time and money on healing and growing, and challenging myself to prove that i am strong, capable, and independent.
i went to bali with my friend kate. we spent one week doing yoga twice daily and eating the most glorious meals at a beautiful resort. i went to therapy more often than i’d like to admit. and i got massages. i exercised to clear my mind and to strengthen my body. and i started hiking to prepare myself for the biggest goal of all – to summit rainier. in january of 2010, i committed myself to mount rainier by signing up with alpine ascents for a guided late season, september climb. it would be a three day adventure unlike any before.
but for those of you that know me and have been following my blog, you know the year didn’t transpire as planned. my rainier goal was left unaccomplished when i over-trained and wound up hospitalized just one week prior to my climb. with severe muscle breakdown in both my arms and hugely elevated liver enzymes, it was impossible to attempt the climb. the doctors broke the news on the first of my five days in the hospital. i cried. and felt angry. but mostly, i wondered if i could have done it – if given the chance, my body would have carried me to the 14,410 foot summit.
september was disappointing to say the least. i went from being insanely active and healthy (and proud of myself to boot), to slug-like and almost embarrassed by my failure.
my nepal trip came quickly though and thoughts of rainier were put on hiatus. instead of summiting a 14,410 foot mountain, the himalayas brought upon a different challenge. a 10 day trek was a different kind of adventure - it would be walking, not climbing. my team consisted of mostly adults in their 50s and 60s. and instead of feeling like a huge challenge and lifelong personal goal, it felt doable and safe. we did hike to over 16,000 feet and after having not been able to attempt rainier, getting above rainier's elevation felt pretty damn exciting. but it was different. it was not rainier. i was not in washington. tserko ri was not the mountain i look at daily; it was not the summit i was shooting for.
so, when i returned to washington in november, i thought long and hard about attempting rainier a second time. did i really want to commit myself to the same goal? the previous year, truly every day involved some sort of training - whether it was physical or mental. and it was hard. i wasn't sure if i had had fun or if i was just hugely driven and worked really hard. my biggest fear and hesitation in trying again was whether or not i could handle another potential let down? another failed attempt? an unsummitted mountain... could i train smarter, less intensely, and more safely? could i have fun? and still be proud of myself if i didn't make it?
instead of signing up with a guide company, i decided, while in the midst of a very sad break-up and my dad's many hospitalizations, that i should take a glacier climbing class. a course would provide me with more knowledge of glacier climbing and provide me some opportunities to hike and climb with a new community of people interested in the same things. but i was NOT committing to THE MOUNTAIN. in the back of my mind, i knew the opportunity would present itself. but signing up for the bushwhacker climbing class was NOT as stressful and intimating as committing to climbing mount rainier. it felt safe.
the classes started in may. every tuesday i learned new knots and knew vocabulary words. i went on hikes with my backpack to "train." but i didn't take it to the extreme; i didn't train like it was my job. i felt that no matter how hard i trained, i had it in me to keep up with my team. and for once, i attempted to adopt the attitude - "if i didn't have it in me, and i couldn't do it, oh well!" i tried to be low-key and to keep my expectations realistic. but when the opportunity arose to join a team on rainier, i jumped! i signed up immediately. i still felt the NEED to climb rainier. i couldn't let that mountain beat me AGAIN; i couldn't let last year's attempt be my only attempt. i am NOT a quitter.
in the last several years, i have become more adventurous, outdoorsy even. i have dated a few boys that challenged me to do new things. three summers ago, i camped for the very first time. i sort of liked it. i think that summer i spent 3 nights in a tent – they were the only 3 nights i’ve spent outdoors ever, in my whole life, until this summer. a few months after that boy, i held my first ice ax with a different boy. we tried to look cool, but neither of us really knew what we were doing or how to use an ice ax safely. i did however stand on some cool peaks (mailbox, granite, mount barring, and naveho de toluca in mexico) - which, i guess you could say, "piqued" (get it?!?) my interest in hiking. dare i say climbing!
but this rainier thing came about two years ago. after some serious soul-searching, i made a bucket list. it included some random life goals (learn to ride a bicycle, shave my head, and run a half marathon). but i also created a plan for the year 2010 – the year i would turn 30. i jokingly dubbed the year "the year of christa” and it turned into just that – a year to celebrate myself! i spent time and money on healing and growing, and challenging myself to prove that i am strong, capable, and independent.
i went to bali with my friend kate. we spent one week doing yoga twice daily and eating the most glorious meals at a beautiful resort. i went to therapy more often than i’d like to admit. and i got massages. i exercised to clear my mind and to strengthen my body. and i started hiking to prepare myself for the biggest goal of all – to summit rainier. in january of 2010, i committed myself to mount rainier by signing up with alpine ascents for a guided late season, september climb. it would be a three day adventure unlike any before.
but for those of you that know me and have been following my blog, you know the year didn’t transpire as planned. my rainier goal was left unaccomplished when i over-trained and wound up hospitalized just one week prior to my climb. with severe muscle breakdown in both my arms and hugely elevated liver enzymes, it was impossible to attempt the climb. the doctors broke the news on the first of my five days in the hospital. i cried. and felt angry. but mostly, i wondered if i could have done it – if given the chance, my body would have carried me to the 14,410 foot summit.
september was disappointing to say the least. i went from being insanely active and healthy (and proud of myself to boot), to slug-like and almost embarrassed by my failure.
my nepal trip came quickly though and thoughts of rainier were put on hiatus. instead of summiting a 14,410 foot mountain, the himalayas brought upon a different challenge. a 10 day trek was a different kind of adventure - it would be walking, not climbing. my team consisted of mostly adults in their 50s and 60s. and instead of feeling like a huge challenge and lifelong personal goal, it felt doable and safe. we did hike to over 16,000 feet and after having not been able to attempt rainier, getting above rainier's elevation felt pretty damn exciting. but it was different. it was not rainier. i was not in washington. tserko ri was not the mountain i look at daily; it was not the summit i was shooting for.
so, when i returned to washington in november, i thought long and hard about attempting rainier a second time. did i really want to commit myself to the same goal? the previous year, truly every day involved some sort of training - whether it was physical or mental. and it was hard. i wasn't sure if i had had fun or if i was just hugely driven and worked really hard. my biggest fear and hesitation in trying again was whether or not i could handle another potential let down? another failed attempt? an unsummitted mountain... could i train smarter, less intensely, and more safely? could i have fun? and still be proud of myself if i didn't make it?
instead of signing up with a guide company, i decided, while in the midst of a very sad break-up and my dad's many hospitalizations, that i should take a glacier climbing class. a course would provide me with more knowledge of glacier climbing and provide me some opportunities to hike and climb with a new community of people interested in the same things. but i was NOT committing to THE MOUNTAIN. in the back of my mind, i knew the opportunity would present itself. but signing up for the bushwhacker climbing class was NOT as stressful and intimating as committing to climbing mount rainier. it felt safe.
the classes started in may. every tuesday i learned new knots and knew vocabulary words. i went on hikes with my backpack to "train." but i didn't take it to the extreme; i didn't train like it was my job. i felt that no matter how hard i trained, i had it in me to keep up with my team. and for once, i attempted to adopt the attitude - "if i didn't have it in me, and i couldn't do it, oh well!" i tried to be low-key and to keep my expectations realistic. but when the opportunity arose to join a team on rainier, i jumped! i signed up immediately. i still felt the NEED to climb rainier. i couldn't let that mountain beat me AGAIN; i couldn't let last year's attempt be my only attempt. i am NOT a quitter.
i had thought "the year of christa" was done when 2011 started. but "the year of christa" continues. i summited mount rainier as a 30 year old gal. and although it did not happen in september of 2010, like i had anticipated, hoped, and worked towards, it happened in july - before i turn 31. and in the process, i have learned to be more flexible in my goals and expectations, more forgiving of my limitations and mistakes, and more proud of the things i achieve!
p.s. this seems like little news after rainier but, by the way, i summited mount baker on monday, june 20th. it was part of my training and the final climb in my glacier climbing class. had i only summited baker this summer, i would have still felt proud and accomplished. it was the hardest thing i had done prior to july 2nd! now i just feel extra bad-ass for summiting two BIG mountains in two weeks!
p.s. this seems like little news after rainier but, by the way, i summited mount baker on monday, june 20th. it was part of my training and the final climb in my glacier climbing class. had i only summited baker this summer, i would have still felt proud and accomplished. it was the hardest thing i had done prior to july 2nd! now i just feel extra bad-ass for summiting two BIG mountains in two weeks!
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