Saturday, March 19, 2011

hours at UWMC

march 9th - 12.5 hour shift

march 10th - 12.5 hour shift

march 11th - 2 hours (take dad to UW for appointment with his cardiologist)

march 12th - day off

march 13th - 4.5 hour overtime shift as secretary

march 14th - 12.5 hour shift

march 15th - day off

march 16th - 2.5 hour shift (worked for friend who is getting IVF and has doctor appts every other day)
6 hours in the ER with my dad getting fluids for his dehydration related to gastroenteritis

marcth 17th - 12.5 hour shift
6.5 hours in the ER with my dad for low blood pressures (in the ER til 3:30am)

march 18th - 12 hours on 5NE with my dad (3:30am-3:00pm)
4.5 hour shift
1 hour visit with my dad
(at UW for 23.5 continuous hours)

march 19th - 8.5 hour shift
4 hours with my dad on 5NE

in the last 11 days, i have spent far too much time at the university of washington. 101.5 hours to be exact. in just the last 60+ hours, i have been at UW for 51 of them. i'm not a resident with hopes of becoming a well-renowned doctor, pulling all nighters and caring for dozens of patients. nor am i some surgeon who gets paid thousands of dollars to do heroic surgeries. i'm just a nurse and the daughter to a sick man. i spend my time outside of work at work. i eat, breathe, and sleep at the university of washington - the same institution where i work.

march 20th - my dad will likely be discharged (thank god!). and i hope not to make an appearance at uw. i don't HAVE to be there until tuesday, the 22nd. here's to hoping for UW-free days ahead.

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