Tuesday, January 12, 2010

little birds

i know today is not over, so anything is possible. but for now, i feel thankful for an easy day. the morning has been spent folding paper cranes! let me explain...

last year, i had a hard year personally and professionally. i was feeling extremely burnt out and disillusioned by cancer, chemotherapy, and stem cell transplants. so, to start out the new year right, and to encourage a more positive outlook on our unit, i decided to fold 1000 paper cranes while at work as a symbol of hope for our patients. ever read the children's books, "sadako and the thousand paper cranes?" well, it explains the significance of paper cranes and is a beautiful story about post-hiroshima japan and the aftermath of the atomic bomb.

anyway, i have inspired nurses and secretaries alike to use their free time (or to make free time) to fold little colorful birds. in less than two weeks, we have more than 300 of the little fellows. and soon, our unit will be more colorful and more hope-filled. it's strange, but there is something very cathartic about making things with your hands. and so, i find the activity a nice relief from nursing.

every now and then my manager walks by and stares at the group of us nurses who have collected to do artwork and i just smile. if i ever get fired for inspiring hope and unity on our unit, i'll just laugh and fly away with the birds!

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