Monday, January 26, 2015

the BIG stuff

i participated in a beautiful thing today.

most of my patients are bald. it doesn't even phase me anymore. i don't expect to see hair. when i have patients with full heads of hair, i think it's weird - like something is wrong with them.

but every now and then, i am asked to shave someone's head. maybe she had some hair; short hair that has grown since her last round of chemotherapy. or stubble that seems to itch as it too falls out. but rarely, maybe never, have i shaved someone's head who has NEVER lost their hair. never have i shaved someone's head and made them cry.

and today i did. my patient is a sweet, very sick woman. and her husband loves her like nobody else. he came to me today and said, "i think today's the day. can you shave Ts head?" i responded with an of course. and then he surprised me. he said, "when you're done with her, will you shave mine?" i chuckled a bit, awkwardly, because i've never shaved anyone's head who doesn't have cancer. but why not? what a loving, kind thing to do for your wife - to show solidarity in the hardest of situations.

we took selfie's before. and my patient cried. and as the buzzer buzzed, she closed her eyes. her shoulders heaved. and her sobs were audible. it took me a while to complete the task. she had beautiful, thick hair. and to my surprise, i killed the batteries in not one, but two of our automatic razors. which meant, i couldn't complete Ts husband's head. which was okay. because he left for an hour and got a barber to do a better job that i ever could have done.

but the best part was the reveal. my patient stood up and faced the mirror with courage. she held her husband's hand and she looked and touched her fuzz. and she cried again. i watched as she and her husband cried together. and i cried too. for getting to witness such love. for being a part of peoples' lives during such BIG stuff.

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