Sunday, May 8, 2011

tune up success

my dad likes to talk about his heart like it's a car. of course he does. he's a man. and he loves cars. when his doctors ask him to explain his symptoms, he uses words like rev (as if his heart is an engine) and i swear he's said "zero to sixty" when he describes his walking speed and stamina.

well, he's been discharged from the hospital. this was a four day stay. thankfully, he was only in the ICU for two days. they removed that ugly swan catheter from his neck on tuesday and hence, he did not require intensive monitoring. now that i think of it, that catheter was much like a dip-stick. it measured fluid (oil) levels in the body; he of course had too much water, not not enough oil. so they didn't exactly change his oil, they drained it. he lost 8 pounds in 5 days.

tiddly got discharged on thursday evening. by friday, he was back in the kitchen, working at the restaurant. of course he was. his engine feels better circulating less fluid. here's to tiddly's new and improved motor!

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